Note: Be sure to check to see if the prime company is already listed. If the prime company is listed, you can add additional prime contacts if needed.
If you need to add a new Prime in order for them to report Tier 2, please follow the steps below.
1. Log into your Explorer account
2. Go to 'Tier 2 Reports' tab
3. Click on 'Manage Primes' to add a prime or any contact of the prime
4. Click the 'Add' button to add a prime supplier.
5. Add contact name, email and phone. The phone number is optional. Click 'Next' to add Prime contact to a Prime company.
Type the first few letters of the Prime company and the system will recommend a list of suppliers that might match the Prime name you are adding. If you do not see the Prime name continue to Step 5.
Select the prime from the list and click 'Save and Invite' to invite the Prime contact to set up their UniTier account.
If you do not see the Prime name on the list, type the full Prime's company name and click tab on your keyboard to create a new Prime name. Click 'Save and Invite' to invite the Prime contact to set up their UniTier account.