As updates the SIO Master database on a frequent basis, company information and diversity status is dependent upon timing of the updates and data provided through:
- Third-party certifying agencies that has direct access to
- Certification information provided by registered suppliers, specifically for private certifying agencies as in NMSDC, WBENC, NGLCC, NVBDC, and Disability:IN
If you would like to update a company’s diversity status and have a recent certificate unavailable on Explorer, and you are unable to update the supplier directly on Explorer, please email with the following information:
- Supplier name and address
- Diversity Category
- Certifying Council
- New Expiration Date
- Copy of valid certificate
Once provided, it may take up to one (1) week for the information to be available on Explorer as the submitted information will be validated by's Supplier Approval team. After the request has been processed and available in Explorer, you will be notified by the SIO Support Team.
Note: not all agencies provide an expiration date, even though the physical certificate may show an expiration date.
If you have questions or would like to check on the status of your request, please contact our Customer Support Team at